Craig Messingham Reiki

Craig Messingham Reiki
Referrals & Collaboration

GP Referrals
General Medical Council (GMC) guidance states that doctors can refer patients to practitioners on Accredited Registers.
The Accredited Registers programme is run by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA) who assess and accredit organisations who register practitioners who are not regulated by law.
The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council is the UK’s independent voluntary regulator of complementary healthcare practitioners. It was set up with government funding and support in 2008. Its sole purpose is to protect the public and investigate complaints against its registrants.
Being CNHC registered, (The PSA accredited register for CAM therapists), this is a service I will be offering.
Also as a CNHC registrant I have access to NHS Open Space which enables me to book space at NHS facilities if available in a suitable location, such as for social prescribing or if it would be advantageous
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